Free Consultations and Notary Services

Aungelle R. Lampkin

Meet our newest team member Aungelle R. Lampkin. Aungelle is a graduate of Delgado Community College. Most recently she graduated Cum Laude from Dillard University of New Orleans with a Bachelor of Social Science degree in criminal justice, Alpha Phi Sigma, with a pre-law concentration.

 Aungelle’s analytical skills and appreciation for details have led her to a career in the legal field as a litigation paralegal for Suzette and Emile Bagneris. It is her unique ability to multitask in different aspects of the law practice, coupled with her excellent communication skills that have earned Aungelle the success that she has enjoyed as a paralegal.

 Aungelle is married and they have two beautiful daughters. Aungelle is committed to beginning her journey to obtain a Juris Doctorate in the fall of 2023.